Porting smart contract L1 to Optimism
This document contains the process of deploying Smart Contracts to Tokamak Optimistic Rollup. The test was conducted on Mac OS and the Tokamak Optimism Testnet uses Rinkeby.
Porting Process
There are three major modifications required to make existing solidity projects work on OVMs.
Tooling updates
: OVM is currently operating on Waffle V3. If you are using an older version of Waffle, you need to upgrade it to V3, and if you are using a different framework, you need to migrate.Test suite updates
: In addition to updates to the tool, some test codes must be modified to account for differences between EVM and OVM, and must support execution on local OVM nodes.Contract and compiler modification
: Due to differences between EVM and OVM, it may be necessary to change the solidity contract or compiler settings.
Detailed procedures for the above tasks can be found in the Onther blog.
Set Contract and service
Download source code and Install Package
Copy the source code, install the packages, and compile the contract using the command below.
$ git clone https://github.com/Onther-Tech/Uniswap-v2-core-optimism.git
$ cd Uniswap-v2-core-optimism && yarn && yarn compile:ovm
If the package is installed, you can proceed to the next step.
const ethers = require('ethers')
const { getContractFactory } = require('@eth-optimism/contracts')
const factory = (name, ovm = false) => {
const artifact = require(`./build/${name}.json`)
return new ethers.ContractFactory(artifact.abi, artifact.bytecode)
// const factory__L2_UniswapV2ERC20 = factory('UniswapV2ERC20', true)
const factory__L2_UniswapV2Factory = factory('UniswapV2Factory', true)
const factory__L2_UniswapV2Pair = factory('UniswapV2Pair', true)
async function main() {
// L2 messenger address is always the same.
const l2MessengerAddress = '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000007'
const l2RpcProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('https://testnet1.optimism.tokamak.network')
const key = '<private key>'
const l2Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(key, l2RpcProvider)
console.log('Deploying L2 UniswapV2Factory...')
const L2_UniswapV2Factory = await factory__L2_UniswapV2Factory.connect(l2Wallet).deploy(
const l2FactoryHash = await L2_UniswapV2Factory.deployTransaction.wait()
console.log('L2UniswapV2Factory Contract address: ', l2FactoryHash.contractAddress);
console.log('Deploying L2 UniswapV2Pair...')
const L2_UniswapV2Pair = await factory__L2_UniswapV2Pair.connect(l2Wallet).deploy(
const l2PairHash = await L2_UniswapV2Pair.deployTransaction.wait();
console.log('L2UniswapV2Pair Contract address: ', l2PairHash.contractAddress);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
Enter the account's private key for deployment in <private key>
and run the deployment script using the following command:
$ node deploy_script.js
When the deployment is terminated normally, the following results can be confirmed.
Deploying L2 UniswapV2Factory...
L2UniswapV2Factory Contract address: 0x70e0bA845a1A0F2DA3359C97E0285013525FFC49
Deploying L2 UniswapV2Pair...
L2UniswapV2Pair Contract address: 0x4826533B4897376654Bb4d4AD88B7faFD0C98528